A unique arts education programme for primary and secondary schools that can be booked as one off workshop or a longer term residency and teachers training.
The Workshops use Drama, Music, Visual Arts and Dance activities to create an environment of fun and play within which, we explore and challenge knowledge, myths and misinformation about drugs - ‘what are they, uses and misuses’
The objectives of all workshops are: to facilitate participants to analyse drugs use and dependancy / develop understanding of dangers related to drugs missuse / drama role-play as a tool for developing self-confidence and awareness of strategies to recognise and resist persuading influences based on factual information.
Our longer term residencies will work with a group to facilitate the creation of pieces of drama, music and poetry which communicates the group’s shared concerns about drugs misuse within their environment. These pieces are rehearsed to be performed, therefore experientially enforcing the group’s awareness and committment to challenging drugs use and abuse.